green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
24 November 2021

Chess Superstitions

Are you superstitious when it comes to chess? Let's talk about the most popular chess superstitions and use world-class Grandmasters, such as Magnus Carlsen and Ian Nepomniachtchi, as role models!
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
17 November 2021

How To Overcome Your Chess Fears – Part II

What is the connection between planning a perfect first date and preparing for a crucial chess game? You are about to find out soon!
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
10 November 2021

How to Overcome Your Chess Fears - Part I

To begin with, let go of the fear of admitting you have chess fears!
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
6 October 2021

How to Avoid Getting Caught by Your Opponent’s Opening Preparation

Tired of having opponents prey on you in the opening? Here is our quick-fix guide on how to make life difficult for them over the board! »
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
4 August 2021

Why are Chess Players Obsessed with Openings?

Why are many amateurs dedicating the lion's share of their chess time to studying openings? 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
14 July 2021

How to Play Chess When You Are in Time Trouble

Playing in time trouble is tough! What are the dos and don’ts when you are low on time? 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
30 June 2021

Preparing for a Chess Game: A Fresh Head vs. Studying

How long do you prepare for a tournament chess game? And how long should you do it? 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
9 June 2021

On Rating Deflation in Modern Chess

Wondering why chess players are losing rating points left and right? Rustiness, old age, and poor physical shape might not be the key reasons! 
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